Sandra Palomar

Yoga MET Class

Sandra Palomar


In this program, we will use the "technology" of Hatha Yoga but with a very particular approach, we will be aware of MET ( muscle energy techniques ) focus on proper alignment and allow our bodies to establish proper communication with our brain mind and soul.

Yoga beyond the physical postures (asanas) - In its early beginning yoga was an oral tradition that was passed on from teacher to student. - Some traditions state that yoga goes back to 4000 BCE when Patanjali, a sage and a scholar, became the first person in recorded history to write about yoga when he wrote the Yoga Sutras around 2200 BCE. But The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are generally believed to have been compiled around 450 CE. The exact date is uncertain due to the ancient nature of the text and the oral tradition of passing down knowledge in ancient India.

The eight limbs of yoga provide an eightfold path to a healthy, balanced, and ethical life. Although they are years old, they remain relevant to our modern way of life. These principles are outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra in all the padas (chapters).

01-Yama: Ethical discipline, encompassing principles like non-violence, truthfulness, and non-greed.
02-Niyama: Individual discipline, including practices like cleanliness, contentment, and self-study.
03-Asana: Yoga poses, which promote physical health and flexibility.
04-Pranayama: Breathing practices to regulate energy and enhance vitality.
05-Pratyahara: Withdrawal of senses, allowing inner focus and introspection.
06-Dharana: Concentration on a single point or object.
07-Dhyana: Deep meditation or the state of free-flowing thoughts.
08-Samadhi: Liberation and an enlightened

Misconceptions abound! Yoga isn’t about contorting into pretzel shapes or trendy fads. It’s about self-inquiry, compassion, and growth. In this class, we will be following Hathat yoga asanas with a special focus on proper alignment and adding the knowledge as a Neuromuscular therapist of MET ( muscle energy techniques to aid in functionality in our body mind and souls.