Pam Iraia

Spreading Compassion

Pam Iraia


Understanding Connection, Identity, Belonging and Impermanence to spread Compassion in our World

 This talk is about Connecting, Identity, Belonging, Compassion and Impermanence (change).

We will also talk about Presence, Attention and Meditation. I hope you enjoy revisiting these concepts and the relationships between them. We all know them, we just need to remember how important they are. Teachings mainly based on Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Eckhart Tolle, Jon Kabat-Zinn and Buddhist Philosophy.

A moment for us to tap into inner peace, joy and feeling part of something bigger.

After the talk, spread those feelings! The world needs conscious people. I am really looking forward to seeing you there and sharing the moment with you! Come along, you will make a difference!