Sandra Palomar

Sandra Palomar


Sandra Palomar was born in Granada, Spain and was raised in Malaga, Spain where she started her career as a Flamenco dancer in her early years, studying at the Real Conservatory de Danza of that city and surrounded by Flamenco culture background. She became a Professional Flamenco dancer at only 17 years of age and started working in prestigious dance companies all around the World. 

Parallel to that she always had been fascinated by the human body as her instrument of work and that drove her to be trained in different sort of fields related to human mobility and body expression, such as Yoga ( 600 hours - trained in Rishikesh India), Pilates Mat work level 4, Neuromuscular therapist (NTC, Ireland) personal trainer specialist on injury prevention and recovery.

She is a specialist in developing Spanish culture and Dance, as an event organizer, working at the Cervantes Institute of Ireland for the last 10 years and working in a Physiotherapy clinic as part of the team as a P.T. Yoga, Pilates instructor and Physical therapist.