Istvan Hrepka
It’s a proven fact that plants have a certain awareness. They are able to send information to each other, interpret and react. They communicate with people, animals and other plants.
But their capacities weaken due to the extensive use of fertilizers. For example, they produce substances that attract the bees or they emit electrical waves to other plants to warn each other of the approaching danger. They destroy parasites with their protecting substances. It’s amazing what they are capable of. If we could strengthen these natural protective abilities, we wouldn’t need fertilizers in the future. Fact: the heavy metals in chemicals attract fungi.
Spraying with the targeted Matrix Drops information lowers the plants’ heavy metal levels, therefore the infection can be lowered too. Other pests leave the pastures as a response to the use of the appropriate Matrix Drops. It’s common knowledge that pests and fungi avoid plants with a strong big healthy aura and they attack the weaker ones. Controlling living creatures’ auras is possible with radiesthesia methods that can be learned in our schools in a few hours. Subsequently, the aura growth is obvious to everybody.
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