Is Vedic Astrology More Accurate?

Gary O'Toole


Discover why Vedic astrology has a very precise way of predicting events in a person's life. Learn about the three things that every horoscope must have in order to predict an event; how sometimes, we can struggle to get something done, while at other times it's a breeze.

Sometimes, the tide is taking us somewhere we would prefer not to go, and we may struggle against it, but ultimately the tide will have its way. Sometimes, the wind is at our backs and we're getting it done quickly and easily. At other times, it seems to be pushing hard against our best efforts. At times, we need to batten down the hatches as a powerful storm takes its toll. Other times, we may run through some choppy waters but deal with it easily as we reach an inlet of calm.

When all three elements are working together when the tide and winds are moving us in the same direction, and everyone on the boat is in agreement with where we are going, i.e., our body, mind, and soul are all on the same page, then we're in good shape and we can relax as we go with the flow. With all hands on deck, we can begin to enjoy the journey.

Discover how this actually plays out in the birth chart.

If you have a question you would like to ask Gary about this talk, please message him Here

Prerecorded Broadcast


Gary O'Toole

Timeline Astrology


Timeline Astrology

Timeline Astrology

Gary O'Toole




Galway Based

30 Minutes €55
60 Minutes 
90 Minutes 125

All Readings Include a Video & Audio Recording, Along With Your Horoscope & Timelines

How To Book a Reading

Online, Telephone & Pre Recorded

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