Hema Suntharam

Hema Suntharam


I am an experienced Past life regression therapy practitioner mentored and certified by Dr.Brian Weiss, a leader in the field of Past-life Therapy and author of many NY best-selling books including Many Lives, Many Masters. And certified by Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) of well known in the field Dolores Cannon.

I have done many workshops and private PLR sessions in the past 5 years in Malaysia, Dubai, and Ireland. I have also conducted a PLR practitioners' course in Dubai.

PLR is part of my path to my soul search; hence this is more of a spiritual meaning to me than a business. I have also learned and am a practitioner of Chakra healing, Reiki, Tarot card reading, spiritual teaching, and meditation. I have been led to these by the universe on my spiritual journey on understanding the energy and the true self residing in this physical body and my true purpose.