Find your Soul Purpose

Hosted by: Myles Treanor
6 week course. 12 hours 1:1 live calls. Group calls. Login. Homework.
About this Course

In this course you will understand why you are here and what you are here to do.

I have created a method that guides you to understand 4 aspects of your Soul path:
1. Career
2. Lifestyle/Location
3. Relationships
4. Physical Health

You are here for a unique reason but unfortunately many of us are not clear on what that is.
If you are someone that has tried understanding your purpose but is still unclear then this is for you. 

This is a 6 week course. I guide you through The Soul Alignment Method, Manual, Homework and I host you for 6x 2 hour zoom sessions.
The price is €597.
If you want to try an introduction session reach out to me by email.

Contact: +353892552252
IG: @mylesofmagic 

About this Course

In this course you will understand why you are here and what you are here to do.

I have created a method that guides you to understand 4 aspects of your Soul path:
1. Career
2. Lifestyle/Location
3. Relationships
4. Physical Health

You are here for a unique reason but unfortunately many of us are not clear on what that is.
If you are someone that has tried understanding your purpose but is still unclear then this is for you. 

This is a 6 week course. I guide you through The Soul Alignment Method, Manual, Homework and I host you for 6x 2 hour zoom sessions.
The price is €597.
If you want to try an introduction session reach out to me by email.

Contact: +353892552252
IG: @mylesofmagic 