Akashic Access Meditation

Bindu Malhotra


In the process of accessing, or “opening,” the Akashic intelligence, we transit from a state of ordinary human consciousness to a state of Divine universal consciousness, in which we recognize our Oneness with the Divine at all levels. This state of consciousness allows us to perceive the impressions and vibrations of the Akashic Records.

In this way, the Records have served humanity throughout its unfolding by being an extra-ordinary state through which we can receive Divine illumination at a manageable rate and integrate it into our human experience. Because of this integration, we can quite literally say that accessing the Akasha allows us glimpses of heaven on earth!

The energy of the Records moves on the formed or spoken word. As an Akashic reader describes what he or she is receiving from the Records, the process flows. The spoken words facilitate the movement of the energy, the relationship to the story at hand, and the client’s thoughts, feelings, and subsequent actions.

When you work in your own Records and assign words to what is occurring—whether through thought, writing or speech— you are facilitating the same flow of energy and information.

Prerecorded Broadcast


Bindu Malhotra

Clinical Hypnotherapist


Holistic Hypnosis Clinic

Bindu Malhotra

Holistic Therapist

Dublin Based

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