Aine Hughes

Aine Hughes


As a Physiotherapist for 15 years, I have seen many people with chronic pain or health challenges that affect their day to day living and quality of life. Over time I came to realize that people's pain was not just a physical problem but was affected by their beliefs, emotions, perceptions, traumas and other factors. This prompted me to search for other ways to help people which led me to become a Medical Intuitive.

Medical Intuition healing is the process of intuitively reading someone's metaphysical (energy) and physical body to find the root cause behind their pain, illness or challenging life event. By looking at the relationship between the body and soul, it explores how beliefs, emotions, thoughts, lifestyles and traumas all impact on the physical body and thus our lives. It guides the individual to come to a place of understanding and transformation within their metaphysical body which allows healing to take place in their physical body and life.